Meeting Recap 04/05/17
The Rotary Club of Palmdale conducted their monthly Board meeting at Gino’s Italian Restaurant in Palmdale on 5 April 2017.  Full details of the meeting will be presented at next month’s Board meeting when the minutes are read and approved.  The meeting was called to order by President Chuck Church at 6:35 PM.  Members in attendance were: Tina Borzage, David Maddock, Janice Garcia, Sam Garcia, Yolanda Risch, Laureano Flores and Chuck Church.  Everyone enjoyed dinner.  The formal meeting began at 6:45.   
Per the agenda, the minutes of the March Board meeting were read by Janice Garcia.  The minutes were approved.  Tina Borzage presented the Treasurer’s report for March.  The report was approved. 
Chuck Church went over the review of upcoming events.  The Spring Blowout Sale is coming up on Sunday, April 9, 2017.  All goods for the sale are accounted for and will be taken to the Swap Meet area on Saturday.  We will plan on meeting at 7:00 AM to set up for the sale. 

District Assembly is set for April 22, 2017 at the Sitting Bull Academy.  Most of our club members will be attending.  We need to be sure to have at least two members attend the Grant Briefing class. 

There was no update available from the Antelope Elementary School on funding of the Music Program for Fall 2017. 

We did not get an update from Valerie Lensing on the dates for the two events funded by our Club for special needs children.  We do know that two events will be scheduled in the very near future. 

Sam Garcia mentioned that the Club needs to make a monetary commitment by April 10, 2017 to support the incoming District Governor’s project.  The Club decided that we could afford to support the project with $250.  Depending on the results of the Spring Blowout Sale, the Club may be able to increase that amount. 
Individuals in the Club agreed to increase support to the Super Build 2017 project to reduce the amount required for Tina to attend. 
There was no Old Business:
There were several items of New Business:
          Goals need to be loaded in DACdb by April 30th.  District Conference is in Palm
          Springs on May 18-22.  AV Sunrise Rotary’s Funday Sunday Charity Auction is
          on April 30th at the AV Country Club. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.