Posted by Chuck Church on Apr 19, 2018
Meeting Recap 04/18/18
The Rotary Club of Palmdale conducted their weekly meeting at Sizzler’s Restaurant in Palmdale on 18 April 2018.  The meeting was called to order by Janice Garcia at 6:30 PM.  Members in attendance were: Sharon Freeman, Chuck Church, Holly Liebenow, Tina Borzage, guests Joshua Konreid and Marty Needan from SAGE Academy School and Don Ryan from AV Sunrise Rotary.  Everyone enjoyed dinner.  The formal meeting began at 6:40.
Joshua and Marty were introduced to the Club.  Both Joshua and Marty are teachers at SAGE Academy.  Don Ryan attended the meeting to again put in a plug for his Club’s upcoming Sunday Funday fundraising event at AV Country Club on April 29th
The focus of the evening’s meeting was to finalize attendance for the District Assembly on Saturday the 21st in Apple Valley at the Granite Hills High School.  Four Club Members will be attending and ride sharing to save on gas. 
The Spring Blowout Sale brought in a little over $200 for the day.  It was somewhat disappointing compared to the last three years.  However, it seemed to be a down day at all the booths. 
Old Business:      
     There was no Old Business. 
New Business: 
     Under New Business, The Antelope Elementary School music performance will be on May
     20, 2018.  More details will be provided as we approach the date of the event. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.