Meeting Recap 01/18/17
The Rotary Club of Palmdale conducted their weekly meeting at Sizzler’s Restaurant in Palmdale on 18 January 2017.  The meeting was called to order by President Chuck Church at 6:35 PM.  Members in attendance were: Sharon Freeman, Tina Borzage, Rosana Budd, Janice Garcia, Sam Garcia, Brandon Youngblood, Lori Troise and Chuck Church.  Everyone enjoyed dinner.  The formal meeting began at 7:00.   
Sharon Freeman reported on the status of our RYLA Students.  Although the student’s spots at camp have been reserved and paid for, we are still awaiting the forms to fill in with the student’s names and profiles.    
Checks for donations for Valerie Lensing have been collected from Chuck Church and Rosana Budd.  Tina is still awaiting checks from Sam & Janice and Brandon and Lori. They are writing their checks this evening.  When all funds are collected, Tina will write the check(s) for Valerie Lensing.   
The Club decided to schedule the Spring Blowout Sale for April 9th at the Swap Meet at Four Points.  Chuck will contact Joyce Bruce to reserve our spot at the Swap Meet.    
Old Business:
   Chuck Church contacted Veronica Jordan a second time about attending one of our
   Club Meetings.  Chuck sent Veronica an email inviting her to our meeting on February

   Lori Troise was able to contact our Special Raffle winner and they will most likely want
   to reserve a week in June.      
New Business:

   Sharon Freeman reported that she had received a letter from the Keppel School
   District and they would prefer to have the Club draft a letter outlining our concerns
   rather than showing up for the Antelope Elementary School Board meeting
   on February 2, 2017.   Sharon will generate a first draft of the letter and send to Chuck
   for review prior to sending it to the Keppel School District. 
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.