Posted by Chuck Church on Jan 25, 2018
Meeting Recap 01/24/18
The Rotary Club of Palmdale conducted their weekly meeting at Sizzler’s Restaurant in Palmdale on 24 January 2018.  The meeting was called to order by Secretary Janice Garcia at 6:30 PM.  Members in attendance were: Sharon Freeman, David Maddock, Chuck Church, Tina Borzage, Yolanda Risch and Janice Garcia.  Everyone enjoyed dinner.  The formal meeting began at 6:57.
With President Sam Garcia being out of town, Janice Garcia chaired the meeting.  Due to Holly Liebenow being absent due to illness, her briefing to the Club will be rescheduled. 
The first item of business was to ensure that RYLA participants have been identified and their reservations made for Camp.  Sharon Freeman indicated that she found out that RYLA Camp is for 10th and 11th graders under 18 years of age.  We believe that our Interact Club is expecting to send two of the executive officers from their Board.  We need to contact Joy McCall at Knight High School and explain to the Interact Club Members that they need to identify 10th and 11th graders for the camp. 
The second item of business was for our club to start planning for a Parents Information Evening at one of our meetings to make the Interact Club Member’s parents aware of what Rotary is and what RYLA Camp is about.  Planning is on-going.     
Old Business:      
     There was no Old Business. 
New Business: 
     There was no New Business.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.