Meeting Recap 03/15/17
The Rotary Club of Palmdale conducted their weekly meeting at Sizzler’s Restaurant in Palmdale on 15 March 2017.  The meeting was called to order by President Chuck Church at 6:35 PM.  Members in attendance were: Sam Garcia, Janice Garcia, David Maddock, Tina Borzage, Roseanna Budd, Chuck Church and guest Randy Pote (Former District Governor).   Everyone enjoyed dinner.  The formal meeting began at 6:55.   
The first order of business was to introduce Randy Pote (Former District Governor for District 5300).  Randy visited the Palmdale Club to return our Club Banner from the Federal Career Day at Antelope Valley College held on 10 March 2017.  Randy thanked the Club for its support and participation in the event.  This was one of the first events held in a long time in the Antelope Valley in which all six Rotary Clubs participated.  The event was a huge success with over 400 students attending.  It is anticipated that this will be the first of an annual Federal Career Day to be held at the College.  The Randy remained for the balance of the meeting as the Club proceeded to work through the evening’s agenda. 
Barbara Frazier hosted the joint meeting of students, parents and Rotary Club members to discuss the upcoming RYLA camp event at Lancaster High School.  Mark Hemstreet presented a slide program describing the camp and what the camp would entail.    
The Rotary Super Build 2017 will take place on May 6th in Tecate, Mexico.  Tina Borzage will be attending the Super Build project from our Club.  The cost per volunteer is $240.  Tina will be covering her cost and the Club voted to provide an additional sum of money to support the build. 
The Club’s upcoming Spring Blowout Sale is scheduled for April 9, 2017 at Four Points.    Joyce Bruce (Owner) will see that we get a very good location if not the same location as the last two years.  Everyone needs to continue to gather goods for the sale.
Old Business:
New Business:

   The Club’s Spring Blowout Sale is quickly approaching.  Everyone should be gathering
    items for the sale.   
   The Rotary Club President’s meeting is scheduled for March 27th.  Chuck
   will be attending.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.