Posted by Chuck Church on Apr 11, 2019
Meeting Recap 04/10/19
The Rotary Club of Palmdale conducted their weekly meeting at Gino’s Italian Restaurant in Palmdale on 10 April 2019 due to the fact that Sizzler’s Restaurant was completely booked in our meeting room.  The meeting was called to order by President Sam Garcia at 6:30 PM.  Members in attendance were Chuck Church, Sharon Freeman, Don Ryan, Tina Borzage, Janice Garcia, Gene Melchers, Charlene Melchers and Sam Garcia.  Everyone enjoyed dinner.  The formal meeting began at 7:00 PM.   
Sam Garcia reviewed the weekly emails with the Club Members.  Charlene sent an email searching for host families for visitors from Australia.  Rooms for the night are needed.  World Immunization Week is coming up the week of 24-30 April.  Youth Protection Training for our Club is scheduled for April 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM at AVC.  The Superbuild is scheduled for May 18, 2019.  Two homes are funded and scheduled to be built on that date. 
The By-Laws Committee met on April 8, 2019 and drafted the first 3 pages of the new By-Laws.  Page 4 refers to Policies and Procedures and should involve very little editing.  The remaining pages will be drafted at the next committee meeting. 
During Open Discussion it was decided that dues in the new Club would be $250 per year and that spouses would pay $150 per year.  This will be put to a vote of the entire membership prior to the start of the new Club on July 1, 2019.    
Old Business: 
     There was no Old Business.
New Business: 
     There was no New Business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.