Posted by Chuck Church on Aug 15, 2019
The Rotary Club of Antelope Valley conducted their monthly Board meeting at Gino’s Italian Restaurant in Palmdale on 14 August 2019.  In addition to the Board Meeting, the Club had the pleasure of hosting the District 5300 Governor for 2019-2020 Luanne Arredondo.  The meeting was called to order by President Gene Melchers at 6:30 PM.  Members in attendance were Charlene Melchers, Janice Garcia, Sam Garcia, Chuck Church, Don Ryan, Vickie Ryan, Yolanda Risch, Tina Borzage, Sharon Freeman, Rory Larsen and guest of honor District Governor Luanne Arredondo. Full details of the meeting will be presented at next month’s Board meeting when the minutes are read and approved.  Everyone enjoyed dinner.  The formal meeting began at 7:00 PM.  President Gene Melchers introduced District Governor Luanne Arredondo to the attendees.  Luanne will address the audience after completion of monthly business.   
Secretary Janice Garcia read the minutes from the July Board meeting.  The Minutes were approved.
Tina Borzage addressed the group regarding the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending July 31, 2019.  Since the new joint account has not yet been opened, the report for July was deferred until next month’s Board Meeting.    
President Gene Melchers will visit the bank this week and pick up the signature cards for the new account.   
Projects completed in 2018-2019 were discussed.  Sam Garcia presented the Palmdale projects which included: The Children’s Shopping Spree at Walmart, donations to the Antelope Elementary School Music Program, RYLA, Rotoplast, The Rotary Foundation, Superbuild, support for our Interact Club at Pete Knight High School and Oktoberfest.  Don Ryan presented the projects for AV Sunrise which included: The Sunday Funday fundraiser to support Yellen School, swap meet sales at Four Points and supporting the monthly volunteer cleanup at Joe Davies Air Park.  Gene Melchers presented the projects for Rosamond which included: The Sheriff’s Appreciation Dinner, Monday Night Football fundraiser, AV Senior Fair BBQ support, Septemberfest, donations to Rotoplast, The Rotary Foundation, scholarships and support to Interact. 
President Gene Melchers again introduced Luanne Arredondo to the audience as out District Governor for District 5300.  Luanne (Mama Lu) addressed the audience and presented her three areas of focus for the year.  They included Foundation, Membership and Branding.  One item she keyed on was a new project called Polio Eradication Program Promise for All (PEPPA).  For this project Luanne created Pinata to pass out to each Rotary Club as she made her District visits.  She asked each club member to contribute a small amount to the Pinata.  The Pinata was passed around and everyone contributed.  Funds collected will be used to fight Polio.  Luanne also mentioned that our Antelope Valley Club had been recognized six times over the years in articles in the Rotarian.  Articles appeared in 1958, 1961, 1973, 1980, 1990 and 2001.  Don Ryan added that he believed there were two other articles in the Rotarian featuring a visit to the area by a Brazilian Soccer Team and local area support for a Clean Water Project in Thailand.  Luanne concluded that she did not have a specific District Governor’s project this year.  She wants all clubs to focus on local projects that can make a difference in their community. 
Announcements included: The AV Fair Senior BBQ on August 19th at the Fair Grounds, Septemberfest on September 21st at Glendower Park in Rosamond and the Oktoberfest at Hacienda Lane Ranch in Palmdale on October 19th.  There was no additional business to discuss.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM. 
Luanne Speaks to the Rotary Club of Antelope Valley
The Club Listens to Luanne's Address
Luanne Receives Her Gift of Wine Glasses and Wine from Antelope Valley Rotary