On August 3, 2022 District Governor Roger Gutierrez visited the Rotary Club of Antelope Valley for dinner and a Board of Directors Meeting. The evening was divided into two sessions. Session 1 included introductions around the table with everyone stating their name, years with the club and current position in the Club. Non-Members introduced themselves and their association with the Club Member who invited them to the meeting. Introductions concluded with President Chuck Church introducing our new District 5300 Governor, Roger Gutierrez. The Club presented District Governor Gutierrez with a Club Notebook containing photos of the 2021-2022 Year in Review, the Club Budget for 2022-2023 and a list of the scheduled events planned for 2022-2023.
Roger thanked the Club for inviting him for the evening and for the Club Notebook. He then spoke to the Club Members and guests and concluded with the presentation of a Certificate to Tina Borzage as our Club Champion in 2021-2022. Chuck Church accepted the Certificate and pin for Tina who was visiting Family in Mexico. Roger then presented Paul Harris Fellow awards to Club Members.
Session 2 was a typical Board of Directors Meeting which included the Pledge of Allegiance, the Invocation, the usual Club Items on the Agenda (Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting, presentation and approval of the monthly Treasurer’s Report, current status of scheduled events through December of 2022 (The Children’s Christmas Shopping Spree in December, the up-coming First Responders Recognition and Appreciation Event in Rosamond in September, the Oktoberfest in October and the current status of Grants). At the completion of business, the Four Way Test was recited. Roger was presented with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses as a gift from the Club. The Board Meeting was then adjourned.
Roundtable Introductions Started The Evening
District Governor Roger Gutierrez Addressed The Audience
Roger Gutierrez Presenting The 2021-2022 Club Champion
Certificate To Tina Borzage (With Chuck Church Accepting For Tina)
President Chuck Church Presenting District Governor Roger Gutierrez With A Parting Gift