The Rotary Club of Palmdale conducted their weekly meeting at Gino’s Italian Restaurant in Palmdale on 6 February 2019. In place of the monthly Board Meeting on the first Wednesday of the month, the Club was proud to host our District 5300 Governor (John Chase) and his wife Elizabeth for their annual club visit. The meeting was called to order by President Sam Garcia at 6:35 PM. Members in attendance were Chuck Church, Janice Garcia, Sharon Freeman, Tina Borzage, Vickie Ryan, Don Ryan, Bernie Longjohn, Anne Longjohn, Charlene Melchers, Gene Melchers, Brandie Partello, special guests John and Elizabeth Chase and Sam Garcia. Everyone enjoyed dinner. The formal meeting began at 6:50 PM.
President Sam Garcia welcomed our guests John and Elizabeth Chase to the evening’s meeting. District Governor John Chase addressed the Club and discussed three main items of importance both for himself and for Rotary. Governor Chase discussed the importance of membership to the future of Rotary and was excited to learn of the impending merger of three clubs in the Antelope Valley into one new club. Next, John touched on the ongoing effort to eradicate Polio. The disease is now present in only two countries Pakistan and Afghanistan. Rotary has made it a primary focus to eliminate this disease through the Polio Plus campaign. Finally, John touched on the Rotary Foundation (TRF). The Foundation is the backbone of Rotary’s effort to make the world a better place to live. The Foundation supports International (Global) Grants between clubs from two or more countries on major projects and District Grants for local clubs on projects within their areas.
After addressing the Club, John took questions from the floor and answered them to everyone’s satisfaction. In conclusion, John presented two members with Certificates of Achievement for Rotary People of Action. The recipients were Gene Melchers and Chuck Church. The Club Members presented John and Elizabeth with parting gifts.
The next meeting of the Club will be on 13 February at Sizzler’s Restaurant in Palmdale. The Minutes and Treasurer’s Report for January will be reviewed at the March Board Meeting along with the Treasurer’s Report for February.
Old Business:
There was no Old Business.
New Business:
There was no New Business.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.
Everyone Preparing for Dinner With the District Governor

Having Dinner With John And Elizabeth Chase

District Governor John Chase Addressing Our Club

Gene Melchers Receiving His Rotary People of Action Certificate

Chuck Church Receiving His Rotary People of Action Certificate

President Sam Garcia Presenting A Gift To District Governor John Chase