Meeting Recap 11/06/19
The Rotary Club of Antelope Valley conducted their monthly Board meeting at Gino’s Italian Restaurant in Palmdale on 6 November 2019. The meeting was called to order by President Gene Melchers at 6:30 PM. Members in attendance were Don Ryan, Vickie Ryan, guest Rory Larsen, Janice Garcia, Sam Garcia, Karen Schultz, Chuck Church, Yolanda Risch, Tina Borzage, Sharon Freeman, Gene Melchers and guest Jim Micelli. Full details of the meeting will be presented at next month’s Board meeting when the minutes are read and approved. Everyone enjoyed dinner. The formal meeting began at 7:00 PM.
President Gene Melchers opened the formal meeting with the Flag Salute, a Prayer and the 4 Way Test. President Melchers then presented Sam Garcia with his second Paul Harris Fellow Pin. Secretary Sharon Freeman read the Minutes from the October Board meeting. There was one minor correction after which the Minutes were approved.
Tina Borzage presented the Treasurer’s report for the month ending 31 October 2019. The Report was approved with one minor correction. The Club’s new account at Mission Bank has been opened and is operational. The Club still has the account at Union Bank due to the fact that some members made checks out to Palmdale Rotary versus The Rotary Club of Antelope Valley. Once all checks made out to Palmdale Rotary have been deposited, the Union Bank account will be closed.
Tina Borzage then presented a report on the results of Oktoberfest. As of 31 October, Income was $4,799.00, Expenses were $1,314.74 yielding a net of $3,484.26. There will be some small residual amounts to add to the net when the leftover beer, wine and sodas have all been sold to Club Members.
Sharon Freeman reported on the status of the children candidates for our Christmas Shopping Spree. We will have 17 children from Keppel School District, Don Ryan will provide the names of 3 or 4 children and Elsa Pena will provide the final 4 children. Initial contact has been made with Walmart and McDonalds for this year’s Christmas Shopping Spree.
Don Ryan is indicated that the Lefler Grant is due to be approved in the next 7-10 days. Chuck Church reported that the Club’s Los Angeles County Grant request has been submitted and is in work in Los Angeles. The Club’s request for an $1,800.00 DDF Grant has been approved.
Don Ryan mentioned to the Club that the Palmdale Chamber of Commerce and Lancaster Chamber of Commerce are engaged in discussion to potentially merge into one Chamber. With that thought in mind, The Rotary Club of Antelope Valley decided to hold off joining the Lancaster Chamber until after 1 July 2020. Don also brought up the subject of a new Club Banner and new name tags for our new Club. Chuck Church will check with Palmdale Trophy on the cost of new name tags. Action on the new banner was put on hold.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.