For the 26th year, The Rotary Club of Antelope Valley conducted its’ Annual Children’s Shopping Spree at the Walmart Super Center on 10th Street West in Palmdale on December 5 and 12, 2020. The Walmart Team provided the venue for twenty-five under privileged children from needy families to participate in the shopping spree. Due to COVID restrictions this year the event was held on two Saturdays. The children came from several local elementary schools. The students were selected by teachers from the local school districts and other youth leaders. This year the Rotary Club of Antelope Valley had each child generate their shopping list for their family (items, sizes, colors, etc.) and on December 5, 2020 the Rotary Club Members and Volunteers did the shopping for the children. At the completion of shopping, the Rotary Club Members and Adult Volunteers took the gifts home to be brightly wrapped with festive holiday wrapping paper and bows for exchange with the children’s family members at Christmas.
The following Saturday, December 12, 2020, the families came to the Walmart Super Center to pick up their gifts outside the Gardening Section of the store. In addition, each child was given a gift card which they could use at the time or wait until after Christmas to select a gift of their choice. The two-step approach used this year allowed for the parents and children to remain at home on the first Saturday rather than have to shop with a large holiday crowd and pick up their gifts the following Saturday in a safe and orderly manner. This reduced the risk of being subjected to any COVID exposure. A big Thank You goes out to Walmart again this year for their help and cooperation in making this event possible. As always, the Rotary Club of Antelope Valley strived to established two objectives for the shoppers: To learn to budget the funds provided to them and to better understand the meaning of the holiday season in which it is more rewarding to give than to receive. Those objectives were met again with joyous success.

Club Members Checking In to Shop

Getting Shopping Lists

Lining Up to Purchase Gifts

Club Member Don Ryan Assisting at the Register

Waiting to Check Out

The Following Week, Gift Baskets are Arranged Alphabetically to Load in Cars

Waiting for the First Family to Drive Up

Loading the Family Car

Santa & Elf Helper Handing Out Gift Cards

Waiting for the Last Four Families

Waving Away the Last Family

Mr & Mrs Santa Claus & Elf Helper

Mr & Mrs Claus & Elf with Volunteers for Jack Northrop Elementary School

Rotary Club of Antelope Valley